AR Birthday Cards

Project Overview:

This app gives parents the ability to have PBS kids characters wish their child a happy birthday using a customized printable birthday card with QR codes that unlocks a WebAR technology enabled birthday experience.


This prototype showcases how QR codes can be used for program extensions and marketing promotions. It also showcases how AR can be used in a fun way for program extension. And provides an example of a tasteful way for data collection.

Prototype: AR Birthday Cards

Augmented Reality presents an opportunity for PBS viewers to engage with their content in new and fun ways.

How It Works:

Parents can created a customized birthday card with their child's name and birthday. The card can then be used to unlock an AR experience with their favorite PBS Kid's characters wishing them a happy birthday.

Key Features:

  • Personalized birthday card
  • PBS Kids characters appear in AR

Major Findings

AR experiences can engage audiences in new ways but the web based technology still needs to mature.

Prototype Takeaways

What Went Well:

Users really seemed to like it.

What Were The Challenges:

Any type of customization related to a child's information needs to be handled tastefully and appropriately.

What Needs Improvement:

Web based AR technology is still maturing and can lead to iconsistency in quality of experiences across browsers and devices.