Video Watch Party

Project Overview:

We built a Google Chrome extension that creates a Watch Party on your browser, creating a viewing window with an associated chat that can invite friends to join.


After a brief revision where we incorporated feedback, we were ready to present the Watch Party beta with potential business units who could help us facilitate a user test with actual users.

We wanted to be able to create a scenario where the end user could handle the prototype and experience it by themselves. But we were not entirely sure who the end user would be. So we began showcasing the prototype to internal PBS employees.

Prototype: Watch Party

Viewers can interact through chat or video while playback is synchronised between everyone in the group.

How it works:

Watch Party is a Google Chrome extension that works by creating a viewing window on your screen with an associated chat you can share with friends.

Key Features:

  • Watch
  • Share
  • Chat

Major Findings

The experience of working together on this prototype was fundamental in leading us into a better understanding of PBS teams, our agile process, and setting expectations with stakeholders.

Prototype Takeaways

What Went Well:

Sharing our work in progress with the design team proved to be extremely worthwhile. They provided branding and functional feedback which we applied and it greatly enhanced the realistic look of the prototype.

What Were The Challenges:

We wanted product validation through a beta release with actual user testing so we could get feedback both qualitatively and quantitatively from an objective viewpoint - but were unable to set it up. While some business units liked the product, none were willing to jump on using it now.

What Needs Improvement:

Business user testing could not be performed in person, thus online testing with video chat tools like Zoom was used. During reviews, we lacked controls of user machines, screens and instructions so we could not control or troubleshoot if a user was experiencing an issue.