QR Codes on TV

Project Overview:

Is it possible to send viewers from broadcast to the web with QR codes? Yes! So long as where you are sending them has an incentive, the content relates directly to the show and the experience is mobile friendly.

Prototype: QR Codes on TV

QR Codes present a highly interactive way to connect to audiences on TV. TV has traditionally been one-way traffic. QR Codes have emerged as a way more effective tool for businesses to place promotion because they are minimally disruptive in the sense that they are shown to viewers while they watch their content, without any break. Viewers can scan these QR Codes as they watch their favorite show.

How It Works:

QR Codes on broadcast need a clear and simple call-to-action (CTA) for users to follow. When a viewer is engrossed in their favorite TV show and the lower third pops up with a QR Code; you must tell them what to do with it. Framing the QR Code and adding a simple text like “Scan to hear more music not featured in the show” will nudge the viewer to act.

Key Features:

  • Create a mobile friendly web page for the QR code to drive to
  • Make the page content enticing and relevant to the show, but different enough to drive users to it
  • Use a dynamic QR Code generator like to create and track the code
  • Use a dark-colored format (PBS blue) with a white background
  • Place in a lower third on the bottom of the screen and time it with the content

Major Findings

Using QR codes on broadcast can convert offline engagements to online conversions.

Prototype Takeaways

What Went Well:

Quizzes and additional music & interviews worked well with this type of program (famous music artist).

What Were The Insights:

QR codes take viewers to any form of watching TV to online just by scanning the QR code using a mobile device.

What To Be Aware of:

Make sure you have all the analytics tracking in place for every action on the mobile web page so you can be sure to know what content performs best.